MANALAPAN, N.J./STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. – Health and nutrition experts at the Villas luxury senior apartment community in Manalapan, N.J., are underscoring the importance of fulfilling your body’s hydration and electrolyte requirements.
Hydration and electrolyte needs increase if you’ve been sweating, exercising, outside when it’s warm, sick or dehydrated, or have been consuming excess processed foods or alcohol, explain health professionals at the healthy-living community that’s just 30 minutes from the Outerbridge Crossing connecting Staten Island and New Jersey.
You also are more susceptible to dehydration as you get older, so the Villas community works to ensure its residents fulfill their hydration and electrolyte requirements as it addresses overall health and nutrition.
And when it comes to a residential environment and health, the Villas offers seniors abundant perks: Providing for independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing and memory care on specialized floors, the Villas is an adult healthy-living community where you can take life to the next level in a lush, opulent environment.
Your body is made of mostly water, and it needs this nutrient for toxin removal, nutrient transport, digestion, and protecting your joints.
Electrolytes are essential minerals found in our blood, sweat, and urine that are electrically charged either negative or positive. Your body needs these electrolytes for optimal functioning, including nervous system and muscle operations, hydration status, and acid-base balance. Such electrolytes are sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, bicarbonate.
To help encourage proper hydration and electrolyte fulfillment in your life, the Villas is sharing the following tips:
In addition to preventing dehydration and other negative side effects, you may feel improvements in your memory, balance, concentration, mood, and motivation when your cells are well-hydrated.
About the Villas
Situated on seven wooded acres in Manalapan, N.J., a short distance from Staten Island, N.Y., the Villas is a luxurious senior apartment community reflecting the ambiance and accommodations of a world-class resort. Offering a range of amenities and services sensitive to the lifestyle, health and daily needs of its residents, the complex – orchestrated by Hackensack Meridian Health – is uniquely focused on wellness and prevention, and ideal for singles and couples alike.
The upscale 100,000-square-foot community offers a unique arrangement of supervision and increased healthcare with onsite physician services. Providing for independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing and memory care on specialized floors, the Villas eliminates the need to relocate elsewhere due to health issues, allowing couples to remain together in a comforting, well-managed, posh environment.
The Villas is located at 289 Gordons Corner Road, Manalapan, NJ 07726. For information, the Villas may be reached at 732-847-3920, contacted via, and visited online at
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