7 Major Errors Businesses Make During A PR Crisis
June 23, 2011SIBOR Sponsors PS 22 Graduation; School's Famous Chorus Wows Crowd
June 24, 2011Do you plan to work during your summer vacation? Or at least check email and voicemail?
If so, you’re not alone. Fifty percent of salespeople and 37 percent of information technology and financial services professionals check in with work while they’re on vacation, CNN says.
It’s often just too tempting to check in when your iPhone or BlackBerry is in your beach bag next to your sunscreen, bottle of water and a bestselling novel on your Kindle.
But even though mobile technologies help keep us connected 24/7 from practically anywhere on the planet, it’s important to find a balance between monitoring your business and disconnecting from the daily grind.
With that in mind, here are seven ways you can put your engagement marketing campaigns on autopilot while you take a well-earned break: Continue reading …