e-mail marketing staten

June 9, 2011

Miss New York Pageant Readies History-Making NYC Debut

 Miss America 2008 to co-host 71-year-old competition June 18 at Staten Island showplace NEW YORK — The Miss New York Pageant is about to take place for the first time ever in New York City. The 2011 statewide event, just one step away from the Miss America Pageant, will be hosted on June 18 by Kirsten […]
June 9, 2011

8 Tips for Effective Use of Social Media and Blogging

When people are looking for a product or service, oftentimes they will first look for information about the subject on the Internet. In general, blogging is about having conversations in a public space that position you as a subject matter expert. Tip No.1: Position Yourself As An Expert.  Read more…
June 7, 2011

5 Attributes Of The World’s Greatest Business Leaders

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”  Those business leaders that care the most have the greatest impact on their employees and will, in turn, be the most successful leaders.   When your employees know that you care about what they think and about their […]
May 27, 2011

1 Million In-Ground Pool and Spa Drain Covers Recalled

Covers Pose Possible Entrapment Hazard to Swimmers  NEW YORK (May 26, 2011) — About 1 million in-ground pool and spa drain covers have been voluntarily recalled by manufacturers, in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. (CPSC). The recalled drain covers were incorrectly rated to handle the flow of water through the cover, which could pose […]
May 25, 2011

Victory State Bank President/CEO Cautions Public About Fake Charitable Organizations

Head of Staten Island, N.Y.’s only community-based commercial bank says scammers  may be attempting to divert assistance in wake of latest natural disasters STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Victory State Bank is reminding business owners and consumers to be alert to scammers seeking to pocket humanitarian-minded donations. “In the wake of recent storms that have crippled some communities […]
May 24, 2011

Behind The Scenes Of Business: Relevant Public Relations President Is Brooklyn Native

NEW YORK — Did you know that the president of Relevant Public Relations was born and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y.? Barton Horowitz grew up in the Brooklyn seaside community of Brighton Beach, where he attended Abraham Lincoln High School. After graduating from Lincoln in 1967, the future public relations entrepreneur continued his education at the Brooklyn campus of […]
May 24, 2011

Quick Ways To Assist Missouri Tornado Victims

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — The people of southwest Missouri are in desperate need of assistance in the wake of this week’s devastating tornadoes and severe weather. Whether you reside or work in the vicinity of the destruction or elsewhere, there are varies ways to provide immediate assistance. Numerous state and national organizations are accepting donations to assist […]
May 17, 2011

Relevant Public Relations LLC Crowned Marketing Rep of Miss America Pageant’s New York State Preliminary

 Miss New York Organization selects Staten Island, N.Y.-based firm to lead PR campaign as June’s Pageant Week nears STATEN ISLAND, N.Y.  (May 17, 2011) — The Miss New York Organization, official  operator of the Miss America Pageant’s New York state preliminary, has chosen Relevant Public Relations LLC as its public relations and marketing representative.  “We require public relations […]
May 16, 2011

Victory State Bank Brings Money Management Into Staten Island Classroom

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Victory State Bank delivers education – literally. Representatives from Staten Island’s only community-based commercial bank recently visited Morris Intermediate School (IS 61) in Brighton Heights, in the spirit of  a “Teach Children to Save” initiative. A total of four lessons were given to classes of approximately 30 students each.  “Good financial habits […]
May 13, 2011

Miss New York Praises Staten Island’s Commitment To Community Service

Claire Buffie expresses delight to borough’s South Shore Rotary over decision to host 2011 pageant  on Island  NEW YORK  (May 13, 2011) —  “Straight for Equality: Let’s Talk” is the platform of Claire Buffie, Miss New York 2010. The reigning state pageant queen visited Staten Island on Thursday, where she shared her passion for diversity and student dignity […]
May 11, 2011

How To Start A Business Blog

 You may have thought about blogging but then asked yourself, “What would I write about?”  “Who would read it?”  Or, “Is this the best use of my time?”  If you’re a business owner who already wears a hundred hats, the latter may be what keeps you from starting. While only you can decide if it’s the […]
May 9, 2011

Do You Need a Full-Timer, Contractor or Outsourced Help?

Workers come in more varieties than ever. Use this advice to choose the best option for your business. Full-Timer? Contractor? Outsourced Help? Each way of hiring has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are the pros and cons that business owners need to know when deciding how to hire the help they need. Read entire article.
May 6, 2011

Don't Ignore the Easiest Place to Find Customers

It can be easy for business owners to ignore their existing customers. After all, you’ve already won them, right? Not necessarily. Even current customers can become prospects again because the minute they complete a purchase, you’ll want to lasso another.  Of course, keeping up a constant stream of marketing communications can be daunting. But if the […]