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July 30, 2013Alabama-based recording artist Tim Maggart and New York Lawyer Jonathan D’Agostino collaborate for tribute to U.S. troops
COLUMBUS, GA. – The combined musical talents of an award-winning songwriter from Phenix City, Ala., and a lawyer in Staten Island, N.Y., hit a patriotic high note on July 4.

“The Link” is among the songs on the “A Link in the Chain of Freedom” CD, which pays tribute to our nation’s military heroes.
The music video for “A Link,” a song co-authored by Alabama country recording artist Tim Maggart and New York lawyer/songwriter Jonathan D’Agostino, marked its national debut on Independence Day in the IMax Theater at the National Infantry Museum & Soldier Center, Columbus, Ga. The song is among a collection of original tunes on Maggart’s latest CD, “A Link In The Chain Of Freedom.”
D’Agostino, who handles accident cases for a living has repetitively proven that writing top-notch songs is no accident; his musical creations have earned one or more top-10 finalist spots over the past three consecutive years in the International Song of the Year Contest produced by Country Music Television and the Nashville Songwriters Association.
“The idea for ‘A Link’ started when I read Tim’s Facebook post about how proud he was that his son was going to follow in the footsteps of him and his dad,” D’Agostino said. “I immediately thought of the word ‘link,’ and told Tim we need to write this song. Writing with Tim is never a quick process because he’s also an artist, so we have to make sure every word of every line is going to be something he would say. Three or four sessions later, ‘A Link’ was completed. It’s a song I’m very proud to be a part of.”
Maggart, whose 2011 CD “Things I Never Said” was voted Country Album of the Year by the North American Country Music Association, lauded his Staten Island co-writer as being among the best.
“I love writing with Jon,” Maggart said. “He and I met going during a songwriters’ seminar in Nashville about four ago. We became friends and started working together soon after.”
The music video for Maggart and D’Agostino’s latest collaboration is poignantly embroidered with military footage, scenes of returning soldiers reuniting with family members, and solemn resting places of heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
During the filming of “The Link,” people holding photos of loved ones who have served in the military lined up in tribute along a visitors’ path within the National Infantry Museum.
Maggart is a U.S. Army veteran. Members of his family have proudly served the nation in every conflict since the Civil War.
“A Link” pays tribute to the generations of Americans who fought for our nation, each “A Link in the Chain of Freedom,” Maggart said.
The video, produced by Pope Johnson Video Productions of Columbus, Ga., may be viewed online at
SOURCE: Jonathan D’Agostino
Media Contact: Barton Horowitz
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