e-mail marketing staten

August 3, 2011

Timely Project Underscores A Tough Economy As It Spreads Through New York City

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3, 201  As Staten Island’s 350th Birthday Nears, Nationwide Initiative Holds Special Appeal For Locals  STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. –  A  Minneapolis-born campaign seeking to enliven local businesses is taking root in the boroughs of  New York City. Most recently embraced by the Staten Island Chamber of Commerce, “The 3/50 Project” is a […]
August 3, 2011

Push is on to support neighborhood businesses

Local businesses need your support — and deserve it. They are at the heart of each community in this borough and represent the livelihoods of your family and friends. Though Staten Islanders have grown to be loyal customers of the mega-retailers that have put down roots in the borough, the nationally-based stores have not been nearly […]
July 27, 2011

Free Staten Island Credit Fair Is A Must For Business Owners

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — In business?  Thinking of making your mark as an entrepreneur? You won’t want to miss the Staten Island Credit Fair on Aug. 2 Here’s What You Need To Know:   NEW YORK CITY COUNCIL SPEAKER CHRISTINE C. QUINN, COUNCIL MEMBERS DOMENIC M. RECCHIA, JR, CHAIR, FINANCE COMMITTEE; DIANA REYNA, CHAIR, SMALL BUSINESS COMMITTEE; […]
July 27, 2011

12 Ways To Secure Your Place As An Expert In Your Field

By BARTON HOROWITZ PRESIDENT, RELEVANT PUBLIC RELATIONS LLC STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — For many entrepreneurs, the growth of a business depends upon the answer to these two questions: Are you an expert in your field? If so, do potential clients know how good you really are?  Here is some advice for qualified individuals who want to build a reputation […]
July 19, 2011

Staten Island Chamber of Commerce Embraces National Business Initiative On A Local Level

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y.  — The Staten Island Chamber of Commerce is participating with a nationwide program to promote locally owned businesses across the borough. The 3/50 Project is a grassroots campaign that has spread across the nation to support and save local businesses.  The concept behind the program is for consumers to pick three independently owned Island businesses and spend a […]
July 8, 2011

Lawmakers Officiate As South Shore Rotary Club Installs A Woman As President For The First Time In Its 56-Year History

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. (June 8, 2011) — Debbie Ferrara of Great Kills was sworn in yesterday afternoonas president of the South Shore Rotary Club. It is the first time in the club’s 56-year history that a woman has held the post. Coverage of the historic event, which took place at the Marina Grand, Great Kills, may be found at […]
July 8, 2011

5 Daily Routines For Business Success

Have you ever noticed that when you get things right in your business, other opportunities start arriving, with almost no effort on your part? It’s all about momentum. Other people—potential employees, prospects, vendors—naturally want to be part of a good thing, so they flock when your business is growing. In interviewing many successful entrepreneurs over the […]
July 7, 2011

The Secret To A Rich Life

There’s a strong correlation between wealth and happiness.  Rich nations tend to be happier than poor nations, and rich people tend to be happier than poor people. But money’s impact on happiness isn’t as great as you might think. If you have clothes to wear, food to eat and a roof over your head, more money has […]
July 6, 2011

How To Build Your Business-Management Team

In the early days of running your own business, it’s natural to try to do as much as possible yourself. It’s the most cost-effective, comfortable, sensible way to do things in the beginning. But as your enterprise grows, you’ll find yourself stretched thinner and thinner. Eventually, you’ll find you just can’t continue to oversee operations and […]
July 6, 2011

How Social Media Can Benefit B2B Companies

Let’s face it: As a consumer you can’t even make a move online these days without running into some kind of social media campaign. That’s because most companies have come to recognize that sites and tools such as Facebook and Twitter are great at allowing them to connect with their customers. But what about if you’re […]
June 30, 2011

5 Characteristics of Great Company Names

While a clever and appropriate name can impress your fan base, choosing an unoriginal, dull name communicates a lack of enthusiasm towards your new business venture.  However, it’s never too late to change a company’s name; some of the best businesses have changed their names when a better idea came around. (Xerox used to be called […]
June 29, 2011

7 Steps To Boost Daily Productivity

 It makes us feel stressed, it makes us feel guilty, it makes us feel eternally behind. You know what I’m talking about: e-mail. The once-magical form of communication that has now taken on a kind of psychic overhead. It’s an unsavory duty that you can’t escape, like moving your car to avoid parking tickets if you […]
June 24, 2011

7 Tips To Keep Your Customers Engaged When You Are Vacationing

Do you plan to work during your summer vacation? Or at least check email and voicemail? If so, you’re not alone. Fifty percent of salespeople and 37 percent of information technology and financial services professionals check in with work while they’re on vacation, CNN says.  It’s often just too tempting to check in when your iPhone […]
June 23, 2011

7 Major Errors Businesses Make During A PR Crisis

When a public relations disaster strikes, companies must act swiftly and precisely to douse the flames. There’s no cure-all for every PR crisis, but past mistakes show that there are some consistencies in what to avoid. Whether you’re dealing with bungled distribution channels, a spokesperson scandal, or an environmental disaster, the way you respond has a direct—financial […]
June 19, 2011

Miss New York 2011 Crown Awarded To Miss Southern New York Kaitlin Monte

NEW YORK (June 19, 2011) — The 71st edition of the Miss New York Pageant concluded  yesterday evening with Miss Southern New York Kaitlin Monte crowned as Miss New York 2011. The event, held in the St. George Theatre in Staten Island, N.Y., will go down in history as the pageant’s New York City debut. The […]
June 17, 2011

3 Important Legal Considerations for Bloggers

If you think your blog could never get you into trouble, you might think again says Nellie Akalp, CEO of CorpNet.com, an online legal document filing service.  Writing for Mashable, Alkalp says self-employed or self-starting bloggers need to think about liability concerns. What if you unintentionally plagiarize someone’s work? Or maybe you end up writing about a […]